Nostalgia Digest Podcast CD - 2013


(over 10 hours on one compact disc)

A collection of 12 mp3 files, chronicling the second year of the Nostalgia Digest Podcast—with classic personalities and sounds from the Golden Age of Radio! JANUARY: The life and career of radio's "Bad Boy," the notorious HENRY MORGAN; FEBRUARY: Award-winning artist ALEX ROSS talks about the Golden Age of Superheroes; MARCH: Author David Koenig talks about the amazing career of DANNY KAYE; APRIL: The man with the action-packed expense account--YOURS TRULY, JOHNNY DOLLAR; MAY: The life and career of KAY KYSER, "The Ol' Perfessor"; JUNE: We honor BOB & RAY, as Bob Elliott looks back on his forty-year partnership with Ray Goulding; JULY: One of radio's best family comedies, THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE; AUGUST: We discuss the radio and television work of JACK BENNY with Jack's daughter Joan; SEPTEMBER: From Buck Rogers to X Minus One, SCIENCE FICTION on radio; OCTOBER: Comedian ROBERT KLEIN talks about the comedy legacy of the Catskill Resorts and the documentary When Comedy Went To School; NOVEMBER: The many voices of Baker Street's most famous resident, SHERLOCK HOLMES; DECEMBER: Meet The Man in Black, The Crazy Quilt Dragon, and the guard of Jack Benny's Vault: actor JOSEPH KEARNS

PLEASE NOTE: This CD contains mp3 files and will not play on "standard" compact disc players.