
Nostalgia Digest Podcast CD - 2018


(over 13 hours on one compact disc)

A collection of 12 mp3 files, chronicling the seventh year of the Nostalgia Digest Podcast—with classic personalities and sounds from the Golden Age of Radio! JANUARY: We celebrate the 80th anniversary of the night BENNY GOODMAN conquered Carnegie Hall; FEBRUARY: Remembering FRED FOY, Brace Beemer and The Lone Ranger; MARCH: From comedy to cops, the radio career of JACK WEBB; APRIL: Jack Benny's "Rochester," the great EDDIE ANDERSON; MAY: We discuss a new archive dedicated to the broadcasting career of STUDS TERKEL; JUNE: The friend to those who have no friends, BOSTON BLACKIE; JULY: Artist Michael Kupperman discusses his graphic novel about his father Joel — and life with The Quiz Kids; AUGUST: The legendary "Schnozzola," JIMMY DURANTE; SEPTEMBER: The very brief radio career of LAUREL & HARDY; OCTOBER: Film historian LEONARD MALTIN recalls life as a teen-age publisher; NOVEMBER: The man they called "Mr. Radio," actor-writer-director ELLIOTT LEWIS; DECEMBER: We celebrate the holidays with "Radio's Outstanding Theater of Thrills," Suspense!

PLEASE NOTE: This CD contains mp3 files and will not play on "standard" compact disc players.
